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Home > Empowering Tips > Email Etiquette Quiz: Mastering the Art of Digital Communication

Email Etiquette Quiz: Mastering the Art of Digital Communication

August 01, 2024

Ready to test your knowledge of email etiquette? Take this quiz to see how you fare in the world of professional and personal email communication. Choose the best answer for each question.

#1. You're attaching a large file to your email. What should you do first?

#2. You receive an urgent email requesting your immediate response. What's the best course of action?

#3. What's the best way to express your tone in an email?

#4. How often should you proofread your email before sending?

#5. What's the best way to ensure your email gets opened and read?

#6. You accidentally send an email with a typo or incorrect information. What should you do?

#7. You're composing an email to your boss. What's the MOST important thing to consider?

#8. What should you AVOID doing when replying to an email chain with many recipients?



Congratulations – You’re an email etiquette master! Your understanding of professional communication in the digital realm sets you apart, ensuring your messages are clear, respectful, and effective. Keep up the excellent work!

It seems like there’s room for improvement in your email etiquette skills based on your quiz score. Don’t worry, though! Take this as an opportunity to refine your email communication skills and learn from your mistakes. With practice and attention to detail, you’ll soon become a pro at navigating the nuances of digital communication.
